Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Mormon Garment

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) and a few other sects of Mormonism, the temple garment is a set of special underwear worn by male and female Latter-day Saints who have taken part in the washing and anointing ceremony in a Mormon temple.
The temple garment (formally the Garment of the Holy Priesthood or informally, the garment or garments) symbolizes the "coats of skins" which Jehovah made for Adam and Eve before casting them out of the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3:21).
Latter-day Saints who have been endowed in the temple are expected to wear the garment under their clothes every day, as a reminder of special promises or covenants to God. On a practical level, it also serves as a guide to modest dressing — a woman could hardly wear a tank top and a miniskirt while wearing the temple garment, nor could a man go publicly shirtless.
Spiritually, the garment is believed to be a "shield and protection" against the powers of evil (and sometimes against physical harm, according to some Latter-Day Saints).


Kelsey Bird said...
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Christy said...

If you know so much about the garment, you probably know that the garment is something LDS people consider sacred. Why would you post pictures of something they intentionally try to keep private? This is religious bigotry. You should be ashamed. It's 2012, you should have more respect for religion and culture than this.

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